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Administration of NEHIDTA, hidta task force, hidta

Management & Coordination Initiative

The NEHIDTA Executive Director and staff facilitate the mission through consistent and focused management of the budget and funding process, state of the art training programs, responsible resource management, and by establishing measurable outputs and meaningful goals.


The Management and Coordination initiative further promotes the mission of the NEHIDTA through consistent oversight of task force compliance with Executive Board policies and directives, HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance requirements, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards- 2 CFR Part 200 (Omni Circular), NEHIDTA Policies and Procedures, NEHIDTA Program Bylaws, Town of Scarborough (fiduciary) policies, and other program/grant responsibilities.


The mission statement of the Management and Coordination initiative appropriately describes the focus of the initiative and provides a foundation for all administrative activity.



Executive Director J.T. Fallon
Deputy Director David W. Kelley

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